Long Overdue, But Not Forgotten Debts.
It is common for industries to join an association to better represent common interests.
However, it would also be desirable for the black sheep in a community to be either reprimanded and, if the common paths and customs have not been followed for years, these black sheep – regardless of their importance or popularity – eliminated. There were plenty of opportunities without losing face.
The content of the DKV webpage which says that you are a strong community, but this is only true if you act in the interest of the industry and then stick together.
It is therefore essential for every member that the film – Uganda: Farmers fight for their land – is watched (the link to the film is at the end of the text). It is clearly stated here that such behavior is in no way in the interest of your association. Such members are not in the interest of “a strong community”. Furthermore, it should be noted that all companies around the world that continue to buy green coffee or processed coffee from such members support such behavior.
In addition, it can be said that all labels in the coffee business should take immediate action to prevent such members from being associated with labels. In plain language, this means that all labels must distance themselves from such behavior.
The management of the German Coffee Association is also losing its fat. This under the slogan: You argue, we decide.
Another member of your association has been covered by the entire management for years. How can you just watch how a clear arbitrage decision because of non-delivery of green coffee is not complied with? Nobody understands this. To top it all off, this company was threatened with being blacklisted by the European Coffee Federation if they didn’t pay the then-ridiculous $80,100. Without any scruples, they still wanted to defend themselves against their own arbitration court, it was a fast-track procedure. The company has now been on the “list of defaulting companies” for 20 years and nobody has bothered. Community is good, but that kind of community is always expensive. The pitcher goes to the well until it breaks. Under jjdarboven.com/ anyone can check how much the debt has risen to to date, exactly $639,843.72 dollars.
The highlight is that this member – after 20 years on the black list – is still listed in the management of the German Coffee Association: Of course as a member of the executive committee.
In addition to the coffee activities, attempts are made to secure the succession with bizarre ideas.
The well-known saying applies to the following examples: The pitcher goes to the well until it breaks.
The car industry has paid dearly with its diesel and other scandals – without statute of limitations.
Banks all over the world have also paid very dearly for the acceptance of ominous funds and other scandals for years and also without statute of limitations.
There could be many different other examples.
The fines at the time for price fixing in the coffee business throughout Germany were also not subject to a statute of limitations. Unfortunately, the coffee consumers did not get their money back, but the German state held out its hand.
All members of the German Coffee Association are therefore required to punish these misconduct accordingly so that further anniversaries can be celebrated. Otherwise, the DKV collapses into ridiculousness.

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